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My name is Joyce Law. I have worked 30 years plus in the light industrial and commercial construction industry. I have taken several OSHA courses and by far this safety course , I must say , has all the content needed to support the Safety rules and safety conscious of today's working society. The title says it all. "SAFETY WITH A PASSION, IT IS NEVER TOO BUSY TO BE SAFE"

You put together a great program with quizzes so that there is a check and balance of accountability with the content and the comprehension of SAFETY.

You have the option for English as well as Spanish which is HUGE for employers to get their employees all certified.

The title is exactly what Safety should be "PASSION" .

The cost is very affordable for companies that need certifications for all. The format of the program is set up to read and comprehend easily.

Many years of experience within the Industrial as well as the construction levels where this training is necessary to survive. With this program, I was able to read and comprehend as well as quiz my understanding.

I would recommend this program to all the Light industry as well as the construction industry because of the ease in the presentation.

Great job John Wallace!

Joyce Law